Please beware though and read the instructions at the outset of the linked document carefully: the last thing we would want is you to have any negative impacts because you participate in the study. So if at any point you start feeling uncomfortable going through the questionnaire and examples used, do not at all feel obliged to continue or complete it. If in doubt, do not even start it.
The research team is very grateful for your participation in the study and filling out the questionnaire if at all possible, but also totally understand if you do NOT participate or abandon it anywhere on the way. The most important thing is to guard your mental wellbeing and NOT trigger anything negative.
Thank you! Take care and stay well!!
PS: if you have been contacted before and directly (via mail), please use the link you were sent then, not the one included above.
Author: Jochen Spangenberg (DW) - also leading the study on the DW side.