EBU webinar featuring CERTH & UNINA colleagues outlining vera.ai work on synthetic image detection

As interested readers of this website - and followers of the vera.ai project - know, in our project the varying partners produces a number of technical innovations that are pushing the boundaries of AI-based fact-checking further. To share these innovations with a broader audience and the media industry in general, the EBU organizes a series of monthly webinars in which the project's technical partners get to showcase their research. 

The first such webinar took place on 11 September 2024 and eatured Symeon Papadopoulos (CERTH) and Luisa Verdoliva (University Federico II of Naples), who explained the advances, tools and challenges of synthetic image detection – a technology that tackles one of the biggest challenges in fact-checking, namely the proliferation of AI-generated or AI-modified images.

The talk provided a brief overview of the field of synthetic image detection and presented a summary of recent detection methods that are developed within the vera.ai project. The speakers also demonstrated the integration of these methods in a Chrome extension, the so-called Verification plugin, showing how synthetic images on the web can be detected as such, but also highlighting challenges and limitations of the technology.

The video below is a recording of the session.

PS: you are most welcome to join us for the next webinar on 29 October 2024, which will focus on AI-based audio tools for verification, together with Luca Cuccovillo and Milica Gerhardt from Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT!

Author: Lalya Gaye (EBU)

Editor: Jochen Spangenberg (DW)

vera.ai is co-funded by the European Commission under grant agreement ID 101070093, and the UK and Swiss authorities. This website reflects the views of the vera.ai consortium and respective contributors. The EU cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.